martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Show and Tell No.1

The Year 3 students have started their very first Show and Tells and have set the level very very high! Here are the first examples.

The Year 4s have aslo returned and they are better than ever! well done everyone on your participation!

3B: Iker, Dani G, Martina, Paula and Jaime.
3C: Ricardo, Nico, Mario, Dani C and Angel.
3A: Indar, Carla, Miguel, Asier, Ixeya.
4C: Unai, Hector, Daniela and Nouh.
4B: Paula, Claudia, Ruben, Alex and Alejandro.
4A: Alejandro, Silvia, Andres, Lanzarote, Izarbe.




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